To travel to Cuba you require medical insurance. You can buy this from the various banks and credit unions. If you are young ie 20’s 30’s the price is very modest $20-30 for two weeks. However as you pass retirement age the cost rises significantly and one can be looking for as much as $200 or more in late 60’s early 70s. for two weeks coverage. Cuba recently introduced compulsory medical insurance for those who arrive in Cuba without coverage, this is not regularly checked but be warned they could ask. This is quite cheap but coverage is limited ($10,000) and is sold within the airport or close to our office in Havana. Be warned this Cuban insurance does not cover you egress of the hospital. You will need to pay your way home from the hospital, be it ambulance or taxi to the airport plus any extra charges for your air ticket.
Bicycle breeze has partnered with Yonder Travel Insurance, a travel insurance comparison site to quote, sort, filter and compare travel insurance policies from all of the major US providers for travel to Cuba. This way you´ll find the coverage you need at the price point you or your customer is looking for! You can always reach out to the team at Yonder with any questions about coverage. They have a team that assists with opening and following up on claims on a weekly basis.