Travel Guides
Useful guides, tips and tricks for the Cuba traveler
You are here to ride your bike, but taking off to another country takes a little preparation if you want to be able to fully apreciate your dream destination. Here we have prepared for you a couple of topics you would be wise to review before flying into Cuba.

Nourishment on-Route
As can be the case at home, being on the road in Cuba may present a few issues with regard to the availability of food, especially for those with particular tastes or who suffer from food allergies. Normally, there are few issues when it comes to breakfast, the most…

Telecommunications for
travelers in Cuba
Some U.S. carriers have or are beginning to make agreements with ETECSA (the Cuban national telecommunications company) to provide roaming services in Cuba. Sprint and Verizon, for example, currently offer roaming services in Cuba. If your carrier offers…

How much money should
I bring to Cuba
This is not easy to answer. If on a tour with the club my standard reply is $50 a day and that you have a credit card as back-up. You can use the credit card at a CADECA (bank) to get cash. You will be charged in USD at the exchange rate of the day. This will…

What to Bring to Cuba
This ultimate Cuba cycling tour packing guide will set you up with a list of everything you will need for your trip to Cuba. Since we are on the cycling tours in Cuba business this will be our focus, but this guide could just as well inform any traveler looking into Cuba as a..

Packing Your Bike
Some CanBiCuba riders take their own bike to our rides in Cuba. To transport your bike on an airplane it is best to have packed in a box. Bicycle touring is becoming a popular pastime and global travel to do this touring is very common. There are a number of…

Cuba Survival Tips for the
Gluten Intolerant
I have been gluten-intolerant since 2004 when, while living one summer in upstate New York, I became bloated, gassy and afflicted with the most painful indigestion I had ever experienced after finishing my evening meal with my customary slice of buttered…

Yonder Travel Insurance
Bicycle breeze has partnered with Yonder Travel Insurance, a travel insurance comparison site to quote, sort, filter and compare travel insurance policies from all of the major US providers for travel to Cuba. This way you´ll find the coverage…

The CanBiCuba Cycling Club supports youth programs throughout Cuba. We are involved with both the national cycling federation and master racing in the Havana area. There are no bike shops as we know them in the developed world and our youth groups…

Top reasons to do a cycling
tour in Cuba
When considering the top reasons to do a cycling tour in Cuba lets face it: there is no better way to really see a country than doing it riding a bicycle. Our tours are road trips that involve riding, camping and hiking. You will have a unique perspective, far from…

Visa and Flights Advise
If you’re based in the UK, your visa (aka Tourist Card) may be included in the cost of your flight, this would need to be confirmed with the airline. Alternatively, a visa can be bought directly from the Cuban embassy in London or online from an official…

Taking Dukoral Before Your Trip
DUKORAL is a drinkable vaccine that helps prevent diarrhea caused by heat-labile toxin-producing enterotoxigenic E. coli (LT-producing ETEC), as well as cholera. This vaccine may be given to adults and children 2 years of age and older.

9 essential packing tips for traveling
carry-on only
Packing for carry-on travel isn’t a science, it’s an art. We’ve partnered with adventure travel expert, and minimalist traveler, Jeremy Scott Foster from TravelFreak, as he talks about some of his best packing tips for traveling carry-on only.

The Best Carry-On Luggage for Smooth
and Stylish Travels
Whether you’ve got a bucket list trip around the corner or a last-minute weekend getaway in tow, we think you might benefit from a shiny, new carry-on luggage piece to house your personal belongings. In our ongoing search for the best travel essentials…